The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Employees of the state historical and cultural museum-reserve "Monuments of Ancient Taraz" of the Culture Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan gave an informative lecture to the students of the "History and Geography" department of the "Natural Science" faculty of the International Taraz Innovative Institute on the topic "History and historical and cultural monuments of the ancient Taraz city" was read. During the lecture, he aroused their interest by introducing the history and legends of 30 historical and cultural monuments of Republican significance belonging to the museum-reserve.

Employees of the state historical and cultural museum-reserve "Monuments of Ancient Taraz" of the Culture Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Kh. An informative lecture on the topic "History and historical and cultural monuments of the ancient city of Taraz" was given to the students of "Technology and engineering of food and processing industries" and "Technology of food products" of the Faculty of Technology of Taraz Regional University named after Dulati. During the lecture, he aroused their interest by introducing the history and legends of 30 historical and cultural monuments of Republican significance belonging to the museum-reserve.

On November 26, the ambassador of Spain to the Republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Jorge Urbiola Lopez de Montenegro visited Zhambyl region on a working visit. During his working trip, the ambassador of Spain visited the historical and cultural objects of the Museum-Reserve "Monuments of Ancient Taraz" of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He expressed great interest and admiration for the rich heritage and history of the country. He also expressed sincere thanks to the employees of the "Museum Affairs and Excursion Service Department" for their excursion services.


On November 25, 2022, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Ezhelgi Taraz Eskertkishteri" in the conference hall of the Center for Rukhaniyat and Source Studies named after Sherkhan Murtaza held a Republican scientific and educational conference on the topic "Taraz in written sources", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Taisiya Nikolaevna Senigova, candidate of historical sciences, author of the monograph "Medieval Taraz". The conference was attended by leading scientists, archaeologists, museum staff and cultural figures working in the field of studying and preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the city of Taraz and the Zhambyl region. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of "Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology" of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Madiyar Eleuovich Eleuov cited memories of his supervisor - "My first teacher - Taisiya Nikolaevna Senigova." Members of the family of Taisiya Nikolaevna Senigova took part in the online format of the conference: daughter - Inna Gennadievna Bochkareva and grandson - Dmitry Valeryevich Rybalkin, talking about the professional and personal qualities of her mother, shared her memories of her years of life in Kazakhstan, transferring personal photographs of Taisiya kept in the family Nikolaevna. Leading Research Fellows of the Institute of Archeology. A. Kh. Margulana - Yeraly Shardarbekovich Akymbek and Boris Anatolyevich Zheleznyakov conducted archival and search work, collecting primary sources based on the results of archaeological field research by Taisiya Nikolaevna Senigova, brought copies of manuscripts, drawings and descriptions of archaeological collections of the Taraz archaeological expedition and studies of monuments in South Kazakhstan. Today, these materials of archaeological research by Taisiya Nikolaevna Senigova formed the basis for the creation of the archaeological park "Ancient Taraz" in the central part of the settlement of Taraz, and the monograph "Medieval Taraz" published in 1972 is the most valuable scientific source on the archaeological heritage of ancient Taraz. The works published by her to this day are a guiding star for archaeologists, a kind of landmark in the world of medieval archeology of Kazakhstan.

During the conference, a thematic exhibition was presented, where the Taraz collection of artifacts from the funds of the Regional Museum of History and Local Lore and the reserve-museum "Ezhelgi Taraz Eskertkishteri" was exhibited, copies of archival documents and a collection of photographs from the family archive of T. N. Senigova were presented.

Also at the conference, the results of the modern archaeological research of the monuments of the Zhambyl region were covered, archaeologists made informative presentations: Dokey Abdykerimovich Taleev, a leading researcher at the Institute of Archeology named after A.I. A. Kh. Margulana, Serik Shaimerdenovich Akylbek - Deputy Director for Research of the State Archaeological Museum - Reserve "Otyrar", Mambet Saparbekovich Shagirbaev - Researcher at the Institute of Archeology. A. Kh. Margulana, Galymzhan Naltaevich Shengelov - an employee of the National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Ordabasy" and others.

В завершении работы конференции участниками были сделаны выводы, что научные работы и публикации Т. Н. Сениговой выдержали проверку временем, сохранили глубокое научное значение и еще надолго останутся незаменимыми образцами истинно научного подхода в археологии Казахстана.

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