The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Golden treasure

«Jeweler's treasure»

In 2015, in the central part of the Taraz settlement, on the territory of the «Kone Taraz» archaeological park, archaeologists of «Kazarcheologiya» LLP discovered a vessel with medieval treasures made of gold and silver.The main part of the finds consisted of coins, bracelets and earrings, tracery plaques, onlays, blanks and ingots of metal for jewelry.Judging by the contents of the treasure, these items once belonged to a skilled Taraz master-jeweler, an expert in ancient jewelry technologies. Each of the artifacts is a symbol of man's eternal striving for beauty, they are part of the language of medieval art.This find can rightfully be called a "jeweler's treasure", an invaluable heritage of the development of the jewelry art of the Karakhanid period. These archaeological finds reveal to us the secrets of the past long gone, determine the level of development of culture, science and crafts of ancient Taraz as a standard of medieval urban culture.

"Jeweler's treasure" is a unique museum collection of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum "Monuments of Ancient Taraz", dated to the late 11th - early 12th centuries, created during the heyday of the ancient city of Taraz.