The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Meeting on the topic: "problems of determining the protection zones of monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List located in the region of Zhambyl region"

On March 10 of this year, the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" of the committee of Culture and sports of the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a meeting on the topic "problems of determining the protection zones of monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List located in the Zhambyl region".
The main purpose of this meeting is to obtain detailed information from qualified specialists on the work on historical and cultural objects, on the protection of historical and cultural monuments, regulation of construction and determination of the boundaries of natural landscape zones; on the algorithm of work on the protection zones of monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (Akyrtas, Kulan, Orken, Kostobe, Aktobe (Balasagun).
Before the start of the event, the institution organized a mobile exhibition "masterpieces of Taraz", consisting of valuable exhibits found in the ancient settlement of Taraz. In it VIII-IX centuries. pottery, Roman-style Amphora, jeweler's treasure, bronze candlesticks, gold coins (silver pseudosolide), Jade, and silver belt labels were displayed.
The opening ceremony was attended by the director of the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" Berik Myrzalievich Zhusupov. Speaking, Berik Myrzalievich noted the purpose of this meeting and the issues discussed here. Deputy akim of Zhambyl region – Kanatbek Kaishybekovich Madibek made the next speech. "The reports were made by the head of the Department" "historical and cultural heritage" "of the committee of culture of the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Seydalieva Zhanat Seydalieva, head of the architectural and restoration group of the RSE" "Kazkazhenartu" "– Beisenbayeva Lyazzat Serikbaevna, head of the public Association ICOMOS – Turekulova Natalia Viktorovna, Chief Specialist of the ""research ""department of the RSE ""Kazkazhenartu "" Sailauova Asemgul Berikovna." Aigul Kholafova, a representative of the UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty, also delivered a report via zoom.
The meeting was also attended by such guests as Yerlan Zhunisbay, head of the Department of culture, archives and documentation of the akimat of Zhambyl region, Kuzembekov Birzhan Myktybekovich, Deputy akim of Ryskulov district Alibek Mamytzhanovich, leading researcher of the Institute of archeology named after H. Margulan, head of the Department of Archeology of the Middle Ages and laboratory of archaeological technology, doctor PhD Yeraly Shardarbekovich Akymbek.
The meeting discussed ways to correctly establish the protection zones of monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 26, 2019, the protection zones of historical and cultural monuments of international and national significance; ways to obtain approval from the Ministry of lands that can be partially removed, for example, in case of issues related to the protection zone of historical and cultural monuments; Topical issues were discussed, such as obtaining permission to carry out infrastructure work on monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage list.