The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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On April 26-27 of this year, the international economic and Investment Forum "Zhambyl Investment and Economic Forum – 2023" was organized by the akimat of Zhambyl region. The large-scale event was based on the goal of promoting investment opportunities in various sectors and sectors of the economy, such as tourism, industry, digitalization and agriculture. The forum "ZHEIF-2023" was attended by more than 700 representatives of leading international companies and domestic business, investors, experts and opinion leaders, as well as representatives of Industry ministries and heads of various companies.
Within the framework of the forum, on April 26, the Department of Tourism of the akimat of Zhambyl region and the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" under the committee of culture of the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized an information tour of the objects of Karakhan, Dautbek, Aisha Bibi, Babaja Khatun, Akyrtas and the Archaeological Park "ancient Taraz". During the tour, the forum participants expressed their gratitude to the staff of the museum-reserve and expressed their impressions with admiration.
On April 27, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with the tourist companies LEYLI Travel, Taraz-Profsoyuz-Turist LLP, Golden caravan LLP, Karalma LLP, EverestTime in order to increase the tourist potential of Zhambyl region and promote the objects belonging to the museum-reserve and increase its tourist attractiveness. The forum "ZHEIF-2023" ended effectively and productively for the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz".

Құрметті «Zhambyl Economic and Investment Forum – 2023» халықаралық экономикалық және инвестициялық форумына қатысушылар!
Халықаралық форумның тарихы мол Тараз өңірінде ұйымдастырылуы аймақтың инвестициялық және экономикалық әлеуеті үшін тың серпін боларына сеніміміз мол. Форум аясында Қазақстан Республикасы Мәдениет және спорт министрлігінің Мәдениет комитетіне қарасты «Ежелгі Тараз ескерткіштері» мемлекеттік тарихи-мәдени музей-қорығының еншісіндегі Қарахан, Дәуітбек, Айша бибі, Бабаджа хатун, Тектұрмас, Ақыртас кешендеріне және «Көне Тараз» археологиялық саябағына ақпараттық тур жоспарлануда. Осыған орай, форум қатысушыларының пікірталастарының жемісті болуына және пайдалы ұсыныстардың айтылуына тілекші екенімізді жеткізе отырып, 26 сәуір күні арнайы ашық есік күнін жариялайтынымызды хабарлаймыз.
Employees of the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" of the committee of culture of the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the secondary school "Kostobe" of the Baizak District of Zhambyl region organized a traveling exhibition on the topic "Baba Kalkan signature" and gave an informative lecture on the topic "Tarikh Torin Taraz".
The purpose of the educational lecture and the value and significance of the exhibits presented at the mobile exhibition were explained by specialists of the Department of scientific activity Madina Mananbayevna and Gulmaral Kambarovna. First of all, he focused on the history of the city of Taraz, which was the memory of ancient times, the center of great spirituality, has a history of more than two thousand years. Then he introduced the unique history of 30 historical and cultural monuments of national significance, various legends and stories related to mausoleums. Also, during the Traveling Exhibition, students were introduced to the history of the city and valuable and unique artifacts found during archaeological work in the Celestial Park "ancient Taraz".
Teachers and students of the school thanked the staff of the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz", which is a constant support of the nation's spirituality, a constant iron base, and promotes the legacy of the ancestor that still exists.
The development of domestic and inbound tourism is one of the priorities of state policy. Intensive work is underway in Kazakhstan to create an image and increase the attractiveness of the local tourist environment. On this occasion, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" of the Committee of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the intention to contribute to the development of local tourism, holds personal meetings with licensed tour operators and travel agents of the Zhambyl region. The first meeting was held with a specialist of the travel agency "Leyli travel", the following questions were voiced:
– full information about objects related to the museum-reserve;
– conducting explanatory work with tour guides on the prevention of disinformation;
– Full information of activities on the basis of Section 3, subparagraph 10 of paragraph 14 of the Company's Charter, as well as in accordance with Annex 27 to the Order of the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 15, 2020 No. 254;
– explanation of the progress of the museum-reserve;
– promotion of our cultural heritage and history.
Employees of the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" of the committee of culture of the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a traveling exhibition on the theme "Baba Kalgan signature" at the Nygmetulla Kiikbayev school-gymnasium in the village of Sarykemer, Zhambyl region, and gave an informative lecture on the topic "Tarikh Torin Taraz". During the lecture, Madina Mananbayevna, an employee of the scientific department, introduced students to the unique history of 30 historical and cultural monuments of national significance belonging to the museum-reserve, various legends and stories related to mausoleums. First of all, he focused on the history of the city of Taraz, which was the memory of ancient times, the center of great spirituality, has a history of more than two thousand years.
Gulmaral Ushkempirovna, an employee of the historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve, told about the history of the city and valuable and unique exhibits found during archaeological work in the Celestial Park "ancient Taraz"-one of the objects of the institution from 2011 to 2017. In particular, he explained the dates of pottery and metal products found in the cultural layer belonging to different periods, the technique of manufacture and the purpose of use.
Archaeological research shows that the ancient city of Taraz was one of the largest cultural centers two thousand years ago. The main purpose of the exhibition is to promote and popularize the centuries – old history inherited from our ancestors to the younger generation. Teachers and students of the school thanked the staff of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" and awarded a letter of thanks.

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