The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Employees of the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" under the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized a mobile exhibition on the theme "Tarikh Torin Taraz" in honor of the opening of the History Week in the city secondary school No. 11. During the lecture, students were introduced to the history, legends and stories of 30 historical and cultural monuments of national significance belonging to the museum-reserve.
Also, the students were presented with exhibits found as a result of archaeological excavations. In particular, he explained the date, technique and purpose of use of pottery and metal products found in the cultural layer belonging to each period.
The main purpose of the mobile exhibition and lecture is to promote and popularize valuable exhibits from century to century to the younger generation. Teachers and students of the school expressed their gratitude and expressed their impressions of the traveling exhibition with admiration.
Dear residents of Taraz and the region! We invite all citizens to take an active part in the campaign "gift to the museum", organized by the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" under the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
The purpose of the campaign is to collect and popularize historically valuable exhibits that were a precious part of our culture, caused by the manual labor of our ancestors. We invite citizens who want to contribute to the history of our region, cultural prosperity and development of our ancient city to participate in this action.
If you have valuable ancient household items, Family Values with a particularly impressive history and legend, we ask you to come and hand them over to us!
We express our gratitude in advance to everyone who wants to respond to the campaign "gift to the museum" at the address::
Taraz, Bekturganova STR., No. 3.
From Monday to Friday
H. 9:00-18: 00 our doors are always open!
Contact phone numbers: 43-08-26
E. mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The staff of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" of the committee of Culture and sports of the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a meeting on the topic "regulation of anti-corruption issues". "The meeting discussed amendments and additions to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" "on Combating Corruption "" dated November 18, 2015." In addition, explanatory work was carried out on the formation of an anti-corruption culture, the elimination of corruption threats in the institution.

On December 23 of this year, a solemn meeting was held in Almaty, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Republican state enterprise "Kazkazhenartu", which carries out a significant activity in the field of preservation of historical and cultural monuments, restoration and reconstruction of archaeological sites in the country. Having started the preface, the general director of the Enterprise, Mahabbat Bigeldiev, spoke about the importance of scientific and restoration work and congratulated the staff on the fiftieth anniversary. He wished them success in their work for the benefit of the nation.
During the meeting, a special video about the history of the enterprise was shown, and a solemn presentation of the book "Zhangyrgan Tarikh" was held. Veterans and employees of the team, heads of partner enterprises were awarded festive medals.
"This meeting was attended by the head of the Department of the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve" "ancient Taraz monuments "" of the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Zhazira Zhuldebayeva, who congratulated the staff of the Republican state enterprise on their anniversary, wished them success in their work and gave gifts." Also, the director of the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve" monuments of ancient Taraz", Mr. Berik Zhusupov, was awarded the Jubilee Medal" 50 years of Kazkazenergo".

Қазақ елінің егемендігі – ұлы дала халқының қастерлі құндылығы. Татулықты ту еткен бейбіт халқымыз толағай табыстарға жетіп, жаңа белестерді бағындырды. Тәуелсіздіктің тал бесігінде тербетілген елдің береке-бірлігін сақтау – Мемлекетіміздің басты мақсаты.
Осы орайда Қазақстан Республикасының Мәдениет және спорт министірлігіне қарасты «Ежелгі Тараз ескерткіштері» мемлекеттік тарихи-мәдени музей-қорығының қызметкерлері Жамбыл облысы әкімдігінің білім басқармасы Тараз қаласының білім бөлімінің «Оқушылар сарайы» КММ-де 16 желтоқсан – Тәуелсіздік күніне арналған «Тараз заманауи қылқалам шеберлерінің көзқарасымен» тақырыбында балалар арасында сурет салу байқауын өткізді. Балалар ежелгі Тараз қалашығынан табылған құнды жәдігерлердің суретін бейнеледі. Іс-шара соңында барлық балалар марапатталып, сыйлықтар табысталды.

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