The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Auliye-Ata mosque (Yunusbay) 1913

The Auliye-Ata mosque is located near the historical core of the city of Taraz, along Adambaev Street No. 24. The mosque was built in 1913 at the expense of the local merchant Kali Yunus, according to archival data, his surname Mayusupov (Maysupbaev), born in 1854) and the master Seydoll Kozhan. The name of the mosque was given by the inhabitants of the city according to the name of the medieval mausoleum of Karakhan located nearby - “Aulie-Ata” (Holy Elder). Kali Yunus remained forever in the memory of the local population as a generous philanthropist who built a mosque and a bathhouse in the eastern traditions of the Central Asian region.

The mosque was repeatedly remodeled. In 1998 reconstruction was carried out, the mosque was expanded due to a new extension. The first restoration work was carried out in 1973.

In 1998 the interior walls of the mosque and ceiling were painted with polychrome floral and geometric patterns in a traditional Muslim style. The old premises were repaired, new courtyards were built to create favorable conditions and perform daily household and religious rituals. An entrance portal with minarets was built. Restoration work was carried out in 2017 by specialists of the Republican state enterprise «Kazrestavratsiya».