The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Kone zhadigerlerdin cheeses

The staff of the State historical and cultural museum-reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" in No. 53 gymnasium school of Taraz organized a traveling exhibition "Kone zhadigerlerdin cheeses". The exhibition featured unique exhibits found as a result of archaeological excavations of the medieval settlement of Taraz. Among the exhibits, the students saw: bronze and ceramic lamps, various vessels, a collection of spheroconuses, and many others, all dating from the IX-XIII centuries. After seeing the artifacts, the students had a lot of questions of interest to them, to which they received meaningful answers from the staff of the museum-reserve.

Taraz is an ancient city, the center of the interweaving of spiritual culture. Taraz is a city with a rich centuries-old history. The history of our ancestors deserves to be proud of it!