The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Held a lecture on the topic "Uly Dalanyn-Uly Orkenieti"

Independence is a truly special page in the history of the state and nation, a centuries-old dream of the Kazakh people. Independence, according to Elbasy N.A.Nazarbayev: - "The most sacred value for all Kazakhstanis." For many centuries, the Kazakh people had to fight for independence and sovereignty. The path to Independence was thorny. Thanks to the desire to live in peace, harmony and good neighborliness with other peoples, he did not disappear in the stream of history and after decades was able to restore his statehood. Kazakhstan, having embarked on a new path of development, has realized the age-old dreams of the people for freedom.

Within the framework of the campaign "Uly Dala eli Tauelsizdiktin 30 negizi", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, today the State historical and cultural museum-reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a lecture on the topic "Uly Dalanyn-Uly Orkenieti" for students of the M. H. Dulati Taraz Regional University. During the lecture, the issues of the history of the Kazakh people, the main stages on the way to Independence were discussed. They were also given the opportunity to see numerous artifacts discovered during excavations at the «Kone Taraz»settlement and listen to informative information about the results of archaeological work.