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Traveling exhibition (video)

The Kazakh steppes are witnessing events that have had a significant impact on the life of all mankind. As the first President N.A. Nazarbayev said in his message to the people, "The key to the success of our country is pride in the past, the ability to really assess the current situation and a positive outlook on the future. "Therefore, in order to study the past, evaluate the present and take a confident step into the future, it is necessary to modernize historical consciousness with concrete examples. It is known from history that the culture of horse riding and horse breeding spread from the Great Steppe.

For the first time, the origin of horse culture in the Kazakh land was proved based on the study of horse bones discovered during the excavations of the Botai settlement of the Ayyrtau district of the North Kazakhstan region. Excavations of the settlement "Botai", belonging to the eneolithic era in the northern region of the country, proved that the horse was first domesticated on the territory of modern Kazakhstan. Our ancestors are at the origin of all discoveries related to the horse. Consequently, there is every reason to believe that the riding culture originated from the Great Steppe. We bring to your attention a video from today's traveling exhibition "Atka minu madenieti-dala orkenietinin murasy".