The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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A comprehensive tour was held for veterans of Taraz

As part of the 30th anniversary of the country's Independence, a comprehensive tour was held for veterans of the city of Taraz. The elders, who saw our historic city transformed, visited the historical, cultural and sacred sites of Taraz. The guides introduced the veterans to the scientific and historical achievements over the past 30 years, showed how the monuments were transformed after the restoration work. And the veterans, in turn, shared their memories of what our city was like during their youth, how it changed and transformed over time. The tour itinerary included sacred mausoleums - "Karakhana" (Aulie-Ata), "Dautbeka Shamansur", "Aisha bibi", "Babaji Khatun" and the ethno-cultural complex "Tekturmas"; memorial monuments - to Kerey and Zhanibek, Dzhambul Zhabayev. The end of the tour took place on the territory of the ethno-cultural complex Tekturmas, which was opened for the 80th anniversary of the Zhambyl region. The veterans cordially thanked the staff of the State historical and cultural museum-reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" for an interesting and informative excursion. Respect for elders is the basic law of the Kazakhs, a kind of moral code of the nation, which must be passed from generation to generation! Veterans laid the foundation of a modern city, made their contribution to the prosperity of our Independent country!