The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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College students are practice

Every year, students of regional universities and colleges of the city undergo museum practice at the objects of the historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of Ancient Taraz" . Today's practical lesson for 4th-year students of the «Zhambyl Polytechnic Higher College» in the specialty "Tourism" was held at the archaeological park "Kone Taraz". Them conducted a thematic tour of the park, told the story of its creation, and presented recreated quarters of ancient Taraz. The students got acquainted with the stages of development of Taraz as a standard of medieval urban culture. They were particularly interested in caravanserais, the hamam bathhouse, madrasahs, their architectural features and the development of crafts. The pottery of Taraz potters, their ornamentation, manufacturing techniques and many others aroused particular interest among the students.