The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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«Ana tilim-ardagym»

Nursultan Nazarbayev noted that "the national language is a sacred tool that transmits the spiritual wealth of the Kazakh people from generation to generation."

September 22 is the holiday of the languages of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan. First of all, this is a national holiday common to all countries, a tribute to all nationalities. Many events are held in the country aimed at improving the status of the Kazakh language and educating people to respect and honor the state language.

Representatives of more than 100 nationalities live in Kazakhstan, the most important value of each nation is the native language. The native language is the pride and treasure of every nation.

The topic of the local history circle " Know and love your land!", organized by the staff of the Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" was dedicated to the language holiday.  The circle was held on the theme "Ana tilim-ardagym" - to present the advantages of the native language, to feel its beauty , to understand the power of the word and its meaning in a person's life. Knowledge of the native language is directly related to the history of the region,its traditions,customs that go back centuries. An educational tour of the archaeological park "Kone Taraz" with an archaeological exhibition was an addition to the lesson of the circle.

Pupils of the fine art studio " Shugyla " «Center for Extracurricular Work and Children's Creativity» captured the history of ancient Taraz in drawings , sharing their impressions on canvases. The staff of the reserve-museum wished the young talents to love their native language,culture and be patriots of their land,as well as success in their studies and creativity!