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"Beautiful Aisha»

Folk legends about the mausoleum of Aisha bibi and Babaji Khatun

V. A. Kallaur in the article "To the genealogy of Aulie-Ata Saint Karakhan" writes: "In one story, Aisha-Bibi is considered the daughter of Ismail-Ata." Then it provides other data: "Some say that she was the daughter of a Chinese khaqan and the younger sister of Amir Timur's wife. When several bundles of gold sent with her for the madrasa under construction in Bukhara arrived and stopped at this place, she fell ill and died. In memory of her, Amir Timur gathered craftsmen and built a magnificent building."

B. Abildayev, a well-known writer, claims that the mausoleum was built in the early 13th century, before the invasion of Genghis Khan. Aisha-Bibi is the sixth descendant of Saint Arystan-Bab, a relative of Khoja Ahmed Yassawi. Her father Aikozha, nicknamed Zengi-Ata (Baba), died in 1258. His mausoleum is located near the city of Tashkent.

History has also brought us many versions of the legend that connects the mausoleums of Aisha-bibi, Babaji-Khatun and Karakhan.

One of them tells a romantic, but unfortunately very tragic story of a young Aisha, the daughter of a rich man in Samarkand, Zengi-ATA, who died from a snake bite, and the ruler of Taraz Karakhan. This legend of a beautiful and tragic love is passed down from generation to generation.

"The ruler of Samarkand turned to Karakhan for help: foreigners are overpowering, robbing, killing. Karakhan gathers an army and rushes to help. For three days and three nights the celebration of the victory over the barbarians lasted. The king of Samarkand wants to thank Karakhan. But he did not even look at the gifts, which were the fault of the ruler's daughter Aisha. In anger the Governor, the only daughter of him more than life. In sadness, the hero returns to Taraz, but how can you extinguish love? She is not afraid of years or distances. Under cover of night, Aisha runs with her aunt Babaji from Samarkand. Did not help neither the entreaties of his mother, nor the threats of his father.

Taraz appeared on the horizon. Just a few kilometers from the city, the fugitives stopped for their last rest. Early in the morning, Aisha went down to the river to wash.

... The darkness was pierced by rays,

or a glimpse of priceless corruption

Played on her cheek?

a strand curls... that snake on your shoulder!

Every morning Karakhan came to the mausoleum. There are five red roses in the jug. This is how people in the East declare their love. His arms are weak, and his legs can barely hold him. But he comes here again and again. About this man they say that he was once a Khan...".

* Minutes of meetings and messages of TKAL members. Historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan. "Turan"-2011.