The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

Home / Legends / Borikazgan and Tanirkazgan

Borikazgan and Tanirkazgan

A place dug by God and the wolf.

According to legend, in ancient times, there was a drought on the Talas land for several years in a row. People looking for water could not find a way out of this drought. At this time, a wolf appears in front of people. The people began to follow the wolf with great hope. The wolf, with the people following him, began to drip earth into the steppe. Then water flowed from this place and all people were saved. They say that since then this place has been called Borikazgan.

On this Talas land, the lands of Borikazgan and Tanirkazgan are called together. These legends are related to each other. Once there was no water left in Borikazgan. The suffering of the people intensified. After a while, people who were looking for water saw that another place was dug by itself and filled with water. The water tasted sweet. They say that later this place was named Tanirkazgan.