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Karakhan, subduing the lion

At one time, Karakhan was considered a particularly wise, powerful ruler. The fame of him resounded throughout the earth. But, despite his incalculable wealth, he preferred to live modestly. He subdued the king of beasts himself - the lion, who carried out all his commands. It is said that Karakhan saddled a lion like a horse, and even moved at a small trot on it. However, Karakhan could not contradict his wife. It seemed that the obstinate wife of the great ruler did not obey him at all.
Karakhan's viziers were surprised at this: "When the whole world bowed before you, and even the lion itself, how can your wife object to you?" they asked. Karakhan replied: “I thank God a thousand times that my wife has such a character. When the whole world bowed its head before me, wouldn't I consider myself superior to others, deceived by the cunning of the devil, falling into the trap of my pride? Thanks to my wife, I always remember that I am only one of the slaves of Allah. And this allows me to always remain humble before the Almighty God. "