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Mosque of Abdullah Ishan beginning of the twentieth century

One of the significant historical and cultural monuments in the Zhambyl region, belonging to the category of architectural art, is the Abdullah Ishan Mosque located in the center of the village of Usharal (7 Yeshtaybek Street), Talas district. The construction of the mosque began in the 19th century, when  priests arrived in Auliye-Ata district, who began to build mosques and madrassas. Locals helped with the construction of the mosque, which was built by 1900.

The construction organizer was the imam of Usharal and Togyzkent - Abdullah Ishan, in whose honor the mosque was named.

The construction of the mosque is multi-domed, rectangular in plan. The central hall is blocked by a large dome with a diameter of 8 meters. 15 small domes overlap other rooms and aivan on three sides. Small domes rest on arches. The facades are decorated in front brickwork, the interiors are plastered. In the southwestern wall of the hall there is a mihrab niche with an epigraphic inscription.

The monument was examined in 1945 by the archaeologist G.I. Patsevich, was repeatedly studied and restored by specialists of the Republican state enterprise «Kazrestavratsiya» (1985-1986, 2003).