The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

Home / Historical and cultural heritage / Historical monument / Archaeological monument / THE PLACE OF SETTLEMENT OF PRIMITIVE MAN TANIRKAZGAN (lower paleolithic)


The Tanirkazgan site is located 13.4 km southeast of the village of Kyzylaut, in the tract Tanirkazgan in the Talas district. Paleolithic stone products discovered by archaeologist H.A. Alpysbaev in 1968 on a flat hill composed of sandstone. In 2000, re-examined by the South Kazakhstan Integrated Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archeology named after OH. Margulan of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the leadership of K.M. Baipakov.

The parking area is not more than 1 square km. The pits were laid. A large number of artifacts were detected in a thin upper layer of gray loam. As in Borikazgan, the inhabitants of the Tanirkazgan site used black and dark gray flints as raw material.

Tanirkazgan stone products are divided into groups: 1) bilaterally processed rough chopping tools; 2) discoid forms; 3) tools such as manual chopped; 4) uniforms; 5) products from flakes; 6) nuclei; flakes without traces of secondary processing.

Typologically, stone products have analogies among the most ancient monuments of Eurasia and Africa, among the tools of the Olduvai culture. The collection is stored in the Museum of Archeology of the Institute of Archeology. A.Kh. Margulana, the city of Almaty.