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«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Lower Barskhan – a neighbouring town of Taraz (6th-12th centuries)

The ancient settlement of Lower Barskhan is situated in the Baizan region, 1.5km from Taraz. The town is mentioned in Arab written sources of the 10th century attributed to Kudam-ibn-Dzhafar and Makdisi. Makdisi wrote, ‘Barskhan is a town situated the distance of two human voices east of Taraz, surrounded by a wall which has already collapsed. There is a mosque in the market.’ The settlement is two-tiered and rectangular in plan, 310 x 140m in size and 10m high. The citadel and shakhristan are easily discerned in the city’s planning, surrounded on all sides by a sunken embankment with towers in its corners and along its perimeter. There are two entrances to the shakhristan’s territory (east and west) and a main street leading away from them. The rabads are attached to the settlement on the sides of the entrances, as are the agricultural outskirts and farmsteads. Aerial photographs of the settlement have revealed the presence of remains of a long wall which encircled the central ruins at a distance of about 1.5-2km.Remains of a winery, residential buildings and workshops and a large quantity of ceramics were found during the excavations.