The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

Home / Historical and cultural heritage / Historical monument / Archaeological monument / THE PLACE OF SETTLEMENT OF PRIMITIVE MAN AKKOL (LOWER PALEOLITHIC)


One of the first stages of the Lower Paleolithic is the Acheulean era. During the Acheulean era, a person begins to gradually get used to social life in the community.

One of the monuments of this period is the Akkol settlement , which is located 11 km south-west of the village of Akkol, south of Lake Akkol, Talas district.

The monument was opened in 1961 by archaeologist H.A. Alpysbaev. In 2009, it was examined by the expedition of the Arch of Archaeological Expertise under the supervision of E. Akimbek, Ch. Kudabaev.

On the surface of a wide hill, in a small area, 117 stone products made by an ancient man were revealed. The vast majority are flakes. In the place of the largest concentration of stone products, a pit was laid. Stone products are divided into groups: 1) typical chopping tools with a machined working edge; 2) guns; 3) hand chopped. Typologically, the artifacts of Akkol’s location are grouped: on bilateral chopping tools; hand chopped; tools from flakes; chips without traces of processing. The collection is stored in the Museum of Archeology of the Institute of Archeology. A.Kh. Margulana, the city of Almaty.