The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Accidentally found exhibits

Residents of the city of Taraz actively support the museum action "Museyge siy tartu", held annually by the State historical and cultural museum-reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" . For the employees of the reserve, the morning began with a pleasant surprise: they were approached by a resident of Taraz, Beisekeyev Amanat, who reported the discovery of artifacts identified as a result of digging a pit during the construction of a new urban residential neighborhood N 14. The employees immediately responded to this news and went to the place of discovery.

The discovery turned out to be parts of 2 large hums (a wide-necked cone-shaped vessel). The fragments were found at a depth of 2.5-3 m. in the clay-pebble layer of the earth. Similar ceramic vessels were found in the cultural layers of medieval Taraz in the X-XII centuries and were intended for storing cereals grown by farmers of the Taraz district. After the restoration work, this artifact will replenish the museum's collection of medieval ceramics.

Taking this opportunity, we urge residents of the city and the region to be patriots of their region, to report finds that help open new pages of our rich history!