The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Word to the restorer!

The artist-restorer of the State historical and cultural museum-reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" Tazan Bauyrzhan took part in today's weekly radio broadcast on the FM 108 wave.

In his radio broadcast, he stressed that being a restorer means having talent and colossal patience to argue with time, winning back the life of masterpieces from him through great work that can tell a lot about our past. Radio listeners heard about what methods a restorer should use in his work in order to breathe a "second" life into the exhibits. What kind of work is carried out by the museum-reserve for the preservation of artifacts, how its funds are replenished and what needs to be done to ensure that they take a place in the museum's expositions, what methods the restorer uses in his work - he told about all this during the radio broadcast.

It should be noted that employees of the museum-reserve take part in such radio broadcasts on a weekly basis and the radio room "Taraz-gasyrlar kuasi" has already fallen in love with many radio listeners.