The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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The history of ancient Taraz on the radio wave!

Today's weekly radio broadcast on the FM 108 wave was attended by the press secretary of the State historical and cultural museum-reserve Alimbay Ayaulym. She willingly shared with radio listeners the goals and objectives, information about the events held by the museum-reserve for the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan at the republican and regional levels. Radio listeners also learned about the peculiarities of the work of the reserve's press service, about the involvement of the media, representatives of various organizations and the cultural community in covering the activities of the museum-reserve.It should be noted that employees of the museum-reserve take part in such radio broadcasts on a weekly basis and the radio room "Taraz-gasyrlar kuasi" has fallen in love with radio listeners.