The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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A thematic tour for police officers was held

In the Museum of «Military and Labor Glory» of the Zhambyl region Police Department, a thematic tour was held for young police officers on the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.A. Nazarbayev, and the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The exposition of the museum "The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan" houses a large library - more than 50 books written by Nursultan Abishevich himself and other authors about the Head of State, which are presented in 4 volumes: "Chronicle of activity", "Zhana Kazakhstan", "Selected speeches" and "The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The works of Elbasy have been published in 32 languages of the world and are stored in the library fund of the Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the city of Nur-Sultan.

The exhibition–review of these publications was conducted by Laura Baitursynova, an employee of the State historical and cultural museum-reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri".She said that in his books Nursultan Nazarbayev reflects on the turning points in the history of independent Kazakhstan. They contain thoughts about the past, the problems of our days, a look into the future.

Baitursynova L. noted the dominant role of N.A. Nazarbayev in the strategy of "RUKHANI ZHANGYRU" for the development of the historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. She dwelt in more detail on two books: "Nursultan Nazarbayev. Biography" and "Leader of the global anti-nuclear movement. The Leader of the Nation." At the end of the thematic tour, a documentary film dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was shown.

In turn, the leadership of the regional police in the person of major-general Zh. K.Suleimenov expressed gratitude for the work done to the employee of the museum-reserve L.Baitursynova, noting her with a letter of Thanks.