The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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"Taraz- Uly Dalanyn kone shahary"

Dear residents and guests of the city of Turkestan!

Within the framework of the Days of Culture of Zhambyl region, we invite you to visit the traveling exhibition of the State historical and cultural reserve-museum "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" - "Taraz- Uly Dalanyn kone shahary", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We offer you to make a historical excursion into the depths of centuries, revealing unknown pages of the history of ancient Taraz.

The exhibition will feature unique exhibits found as a result of archaeological excavations of the ancient settlement of Taraz, as well as models of historical objects-mausoleums of Aisha-bibi and Karakhan will be presented to visitors. Among the exhibits, you can see such unique medieval artifacts as: a jeweler's treasure and a collection of coins that reveal the level of economic development of the city; bronze and ceramic lamps, sewn plaques that decorated the interior and clothing of the inhabitants of the ancient city; kitchen and dining utensils skillfully made by Taraz potters. These exhibits will arouse a healthy interest among the public in studying history, visiting historical sights of Kazakhstan!