The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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A museum lesson was held

A thematic lesson on "Taraz — the golden thread of our history" was held for students of M. H. Dulati Taraz egional University. During the lesson, the staff of the museum-reserve, in order to popularize our historical and cultural heritage, familiarized students with the history of the ancient city of Taraz on the example of the archaeological park "Kone Taraz", students were given the opportunity to see numerous artifacts discovered during excavations at the ancient Taraz settlement and listen to informative information about the archaeological excavations.They got acquainted with the stages of development of Taraz as a standard of medieval urban culture. They were particularly interested in caravanserais, the hamam bathhouse, madrasahs, their architectural features and the development of crafts.