The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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College students are practice

Every year, students of regional universities and colleges of the city undergo museum practice at the objects of the historical and cultural museum-reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri". Today's practical lesson for 4th-year students of the Zhambyl Polytechnic Higher College in the specialty "Tourism" was held at the "Kali Yunus Bathhouse" facility. The museum staff conducted a practical lesson, during which they showed and told the students the architectural and aesthetic features of this monument. Particular emphasis was placed on the fact that during the construction of the bathhouse building, the principles of architecture and heating systems like roman baths and еastern medieval baths were used. This oriental-style bathhouse was built by craftsmen from Fergana and Bukhara. Kali-Yunus himself chose the place for the construction and laid the first stone in the construction. Grateful residents named this architectural monument after him, which has survived to this day.