The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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A tour was held for students and teachers of the school

The opportunity to get acquainted with the historical and cultural monuments of the State historical and cultural museum-reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" was presented today for students and teachers of city schools. During the excursion, the students first got acquainted with the history of the archaeological park "Kone Taraz", saw numerous artifacts discovered during excavations at the ancient Taraz settlement and listened to a meaningful tour about the archaeological excavations carried out. Then they continued their acquaintance with the objects of cultural heritage already on the territory of the mausoleums "Karakhana" and "Dauytbek Shomansur". Then they visited the monument "Kazak khandygy" and the historical and cultural complex "Aisha-bibi", where during a meaningful excursion they got acquainted with the unique architecture of the middle ages, with folk tales and legends about the history of the creation of mausoleums "Aisha-bibi" and "Babaji-Khatun". At the end of the tour, teachers and students of the school expressed their admiration, shared their impressions, thanking the staff of the reserve-museum.