The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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A tour was held

Since October 13 this year, the State Institution "Kazselezashchita" of the emergency situations committee has been holding an extended meeting, the cultural part of which is a visit to the historical and cultural objects of the State historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz". The staff of the reserve-museum provides excursion support for the guests of the meeting.They visited the historical and cultural complex "Aisha-bibi", where during a meaningful excursion they got acquainted with the unique architecture of the pearls of the middle ages, with folk tales and legends about the history of the creation of mausoleums "Aisha-bibi" and "Babaji-khatun". Then the guests were invited to continue their acquaintance with the objects of cultural heritage already on the territory of the mausoleums "Karakhan" and "Dauytbek Shomansur", located in the center of Taraz. Here, in addition to the excursion, the guests were invited to get acquainted with museum expositions containing unique artifacts of medieval architecture and crafts.