The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Nature Reserve-museum on the radio wave

In order to popularize the historical and cultural heritage of our region and wide media coverage, the staff of the State historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" continue weekly broadcasting on Mondays on radio FM 108. Radio broadcasts are devoted to the history of ancient Taraz, its rich past, as well as the history of objects of national and international significance under the jurisdiction of the reserve-museum. Today's radio broadcast was held as part of the campaign "Uly Dala eli Tauelsizdiktin 30 negizi". An employee of the reserve- museum Rysbai .Zh shared with radio listeners a story about the history of mosques Nametbai, Abdullah Ishan and Karakozha. These are especially revered monuments of cultural heritage, which have their own unique history of creation.