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International Conference in Taraz

Taraz is the center of the Turkic civilization and one of the oldest cities not only in our country, but also in the whole of Central Asia. Numerous historical facts serve as proof of this. This was stated at the International Scientific Conference "Taraz zhane Turki orkenieti", organized jointly with the Regional department of culture, the "Center of spirituality and historiography named after Sh. Murtaza", with the support of the akimat of Zhambyl region. In addition to domestic scientists, scientists from the USA, Japan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan took part in the conference. The conference consisted of 2 parts and 4 sections "Uly Talas kuryltayy: Altyn Orda", "Atlakh shaikasy zhane zhana orkeniyet", "Taraz zhane Turki alemi", "Mangilik el ideyasy zhane Turki elderi". First of all, the guests and participants of the conference visited the archaeological exhibition of the State historical and cultural museum-reserve "Monuments of ancient Taraz" . While viewing the exhibition, they were given the opportunity to see numerous artifacts discovered during excavations at the ancient Taraz settlement and listen to informative information about the archaeological excavations carried out. The participants of the conference noted that the impressions from the exhibition were the best.

Underlining the importance of a large-scale event, akim of Zhambyl region Berdibek Saparbayev expressed confidence that as a result of the analysis of national values, identity reflected in the program articles of Elbasy "Rukhani Zhangyru" and "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe", the conference can contribute to the cultural development and historical prosperity of the common Turkic civilization.

The President of the International Turkic Academy, Doctor of historical sciences Darkhan Kydyrali noted that the national goal of the conference is to further strengthen the continuity between the ancient and current Turkic civilizations, which played an important role in the formation of the Great Steppe as an "Eternal state".
Chairman of the Committee for Archives and Documentation of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kuat Boash stressed that Taraz, which is the heir of nomadic and settled cultures, is considered a sacred city, the center of the entire Turkic world.

Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, statesman and public figure, political scientist Berik Abdigaliuly in his speech on the topic "Taraz zhane Turki Alemi" stressed that it is necessary to bring together the names of all Tarazis and pass on their creativity to the next generations.

Doctor of Historical Sciences from the USA, Professor Yulai Shamilogly gave valuable information from the research of the Chinese traveler Xuan Qian about ancient Taraz. Japanese scientist, Sadakatsu Kunitake shared the results of an archaeological expedition conducted in the Zhambyl region to study ancient Paleolithic sites.

Dr. R.D. Negizbek Shabdanaliev from Kyrgyzstan and others shared their opinion.

Domestic and foreign scientists who took part in this conference expressed gratitude to the akimat of the region, which organized such an international conference, and also told about the role and importance of Taraz in world civilization.

At the end, the head of the region assured that all the proposals of scientists during the meeting will be taken into account in the cultural program "Historical Taraz".