The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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"The Heritage of nomads"

The guests of the archaeological park "Kone Taraz" were the famous Kazakh scientist-archaeologist Dosymbaeva Ayman Medeubaevna and a film crew from Hungary. The purpose of the visit was to shoot a documentary film "The Heritage of nomads" about a historical figure-the leader of the Huns Zhi Zhi, who founded the city of Taraz in 36 year. Hungarian documentary filmmakers listened to an interesting and informative excursion about ancient Taraz, got acquainted with the recreated quarters of the archaeological park, they were particularly interested in the bath-hamam, its architectural features, etc. The staff of the reserve-museum also shared information about the history of the city from extant written sources and historical chronicles. Ancient Taraz is a city that was located at the crossroads of trade routes, a center of crafts, science and culture.