The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

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Local history clubs for schoolchildren continue to be held

Employees of the historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" continue to conduct classes in local history circles for pupils of secondary schools of the city. Today, the museum lesson "Taraz - the city of merchants" was organized for pupils of the fine art studio "Shugyla" "Center for Extracurricular Work and Children's Creativity". The children were introduced to the history of medieval Taraz on the example of the archaeological open-air park "Kone Taraz".

During the lesson, the children also learned the history of the creation of the archaeological park. It should be recalled that the archaeological excavations, which began in 2011, yielded valuable artifacts that confirmed the centuries-old history of the city of Taraz. About 4,000 artifacts dating back to the VI-XII centuries were found, as well as mosques, madrassas, medieval baths, caravanserais, the mouth of the ancient Talas River, and the foundations of houses. Pupils, who witnessed such historical values with their own eyes, were impressed and began to draw artifacts found in the ancient town. At the end of the event, participating children and teachers expressed their gratitude.