The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

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«The Great Poet of the Great Steppe - Zhambyl Zhabayev»

2021 in Kazakhstan is declared the Year of the famous national poet Zhambyl Zhabayev. 175 years ago "Homer of the Great Steppe" was born, as his compatriots poetically call him. A poet lived for almost a hundred years, having met the Great Victory in May 1945 and became a real symbol of the continuity of eras in Kazakhstan. As part of the celebration of the anniversary, employees of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a traveling exhibition "The Great Poet of the Great Steppe - Zhambyl Zhabayev" in the "Zhambyl Higher Innovation College" named after Zhambyla. The main goal of the exhibition is to teach students to love and appreciate poetry, to instill in their hearts the poetic talent of Zhambyl, learning the life and work of the poet Zhambyl, to instill in students a sense of patriotism, morality and love for art, to acquaint students with the life and creative path of the great poet. In addition, during the presentation of the exhibition, in order to popularize our historical and cultural heritage, the exhibition featured an exhibition of medieval ceramics, bronze lamps, coins from different periods.

The staff of the reserve-museum gave the scientific purpose and characteristics of each exhibit and told about the history of the ancient city of Taraz. A documentary video about the life and work of the poet was also shown. Schoolchildren were keenly interested in the life of the poet, his works. In total, the exhibition was attended by more than 400 college students. The college staff expressed gratitude to the staff of the reserve-museum and made a proposal for further cooperation.