The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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A conference was held

The State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum "Monuments of Ancient Taraz" of the MKS RK was invited to participate in the online conference format within the framework of the "Journey to the Museum" project, organized by the Almaty Regional Historical and Local Lore Museum named after MA Tynyshpayeva. The aim of this project is to popularize the historical and cultural heritage of the country with the participation of Kazakhstani museums and the development of tourism in the city of Taraz and the Zhambyl region as a whole. The project presented the historical and cultural monuments of the region - the mausoleums "Aisha Bibi", "Karakhan", the archaeological park "Ancient Taraz". The conference participants expressed their admiration for the rich cultural heritage of our region, preserved from the depths of the centuries.