The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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A gift for the Day of Abay

A real gift for the reserve-museum on the day of the great enlightener was the accidental discovery of a resident of the city of Taraz Kozhakhmetov Darkhan - a Turgesh coin, which he discovered during earthworks. This gift was like a continuation of the traditional campaign "Gift to the Museum", which is held annually by the reserve to replenish its funds.

Museum experts attributed the coin to the Turgesh circle and dated it to the VII-VIII centuries. Such coins were widely used during this period. It is known from history that banknotes appeared on the territory of Kazakhstan in the V century BC.

In the Middle Ages, there were many states on the territory of Kazakhstan. Taraz was the capital of the Turgesh, Karluks, Karakhanids and other tribes, whose rulers minted their own coins. During the archaeological excavations of ancient cities located on the Great Silk Road, including Taraz, many banknotes were discovered. In the future, after scientific analysis and restoration of the coin, it will replenish the numismatic collection of the reserve-museum and take its place in its exposition.

The director of the historical and cultural museum-reserve "Monuments of аncient Taraz" N. Bykybayev,in turn, handed D. Kozhakhmetov a package with museum publications and thanked him for his contribution to the study of the history of our region.