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The places of restoration work have been determined

At the Kulan settlement, one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, it is planned to continue research work on the conservation and museification of a unique archaeological site — a palace structure of the Karluk period, located on the territory of the citadel of the settlement. Archaeologists have discovered on the territory of the settlement different cultural layers that reveal the historical stages of the city's life since the early Middle Ages, such as palace and temple complexes, an Islamic necropolis, which today can be used to reconstruct the appearance of the ancient city. The expert working group, which included the archaeologist S. Akylbek and the chief architect of the NIPF of the RCP "Kazrestavratsiya" L. Beisembayeva, identified the places of restoration and conservation work, outlined the project goals and objectives. In the near future, the implementation of this project will begin, which will allow creating a museum-certified archaeological complex that will reveal the historical, cultural and tourist potential of the historical object.