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Online webinar

UNESCO Office in Almaty organizes a series of online capacity-building webinars for individuals and organisations responsible for the management of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites in Central Asia and Southern Caucasus. During the first webinar, the representatives of the World Heritage Centre talked to the audience about different aspects of the World Heritage Convention.

This series is designed in cooperation with and participation of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Convention (ICCROM, ICOMOS, IUCN). Employees of all organisations involved in the management of the World Heritage sites, as well as interested representatives of authorized state bodies, research organisations, NGOs and civil society, are invited to participate in these webinars. The webinars are held in the online format in English and Russian languages with simultaneous translation, covering a variety of topics that are relevant to the challenges faced by the region.

World Heritage Convention: Basic Principles, Obligations of the States Parties for Conservation, Management and Monitoring Mechanism – World Heritage and Sustainable Development.

1 July 2021.

— Mr Feng Jing, Chief of Unit, Asia and the Pacific, UNESCO World Heritage Centre (Paris);
— Ms Nao Hayashi, Programme Specialist, UNESCO World Heritage Centre (Paris).