The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Students studying in the specialty "Tourism" have passed an industrial practice

Students of the 1st year of the specialty "Tourism" of the Taraz College of Service and Technology, located in Taraz, completed an internship in the historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of аncient Taraz" of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the practice, the students got acquainted with the objects of the reserve-museum – mausoleums of "Karakhan" "Dautbek", the historical and cultural heritage, the architectural structure of the ancient city, the history of the city of Taraz, which has become the center of great spirituality. In addition, during the internship, students learned methods and techniques of working with the population, providing excursion services at historical sites.