The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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mobile exhibition on the theme "signature from Baba" in honor of the 25th anniversary of the institution

Employees of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" under the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan in honor of the 25th anniversary of the institution organized a traveling exhibition on the theme "Baba Kalgan signature" for students of Taraz regional university named after M. H. Dulati, an informative lecture was held on the topic "Tarikh Torin Taraz". During the lecture, students were introduced to the unique history of 30 historical and cultural monuments of national significance belonging to the museum-reserve, legends and stories related to mausoleums.
The students were presented with exhibits found as a result of archaeological excavations. In particular, he explained the date, technique and purpose of use of pottery and metal products found in the cultural layer belonging to each period.
National values are moral principles that have been inherited from father to son for centuries in the essence of every nation. The main purpose of the mobile exhibition and lecture is to promote and popularize valuable exhibits – the treasures of the people, the spiritual wealth of our nation, which have come from century to century, to the younger generation. Students of Taraz regional university named after M. H. Dulati expressed their gratitude, expressed their great interest and expressed their impressions of the exhibition with admiration. At the end of the meeting, the teachers of the University expressed their gratitude to the staff of the historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz".