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October 1 radio staff day (2023)

On August 13, 2021, by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, October 1 was declared the day of Radio workers.
An active propagandist of our traditions and spirituality, the radio of Zhambyl, which fuels the fire of a large art center, is not recognized as a harbinger of news. We would like to express our gratitude to the specialists who have made an invaluable contribution to the promotion of our native culture, the popularization of our native language, the modernization of the consciousness of the nation and the formation of the Golden fund of Kazakh culture through numerous programs that pass through the air wave. You cover the fate and genealogy of our people, quickly convey to the public the most important events of the country's life even in a turbulent period, leaving an indelible mark. At present, Zhambyl radio has become one of the fundamental media and unique, developed in accordance with the requirements of the time. We hope that the radio will continue to be a harbinger of good and will delight the audience with informative messages and instructive programs. For this purpose, we wish you success!