The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Monitoring work continues

Monitoring work
Employees of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" to the karakozha mosque on the eastern outskirts of Seilbek village in Talas District of Zhambyl region, Abdullah Ishan mosque in Usharal village, tanirkazgan, Barykazgan parking lots located 10-13 km from Kyzylauit village, Akkol parking lot located 11 km southwest of Akkol village, south of Akkol Lake and the Shokai Datta mausoleum in Saudakent Village, Sarysu district on August 10, 2023, regular monitoring of monuments was carried out in order to find out the details. During the monitoring work, employees of local executive bodies met, carried out explanatory work on topical issues of preservation, restoration and scientific research of monuments, works of historical and cultural objects, and gave specific instructions.