The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Excursion for students of Anton Makarenko secondary school No. 6

The educational program "young local historian" was launched by the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "monuments of ancient Taraz" under the committee of culture of the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within the framework of the event, students of Anton Makarenko secondary school No. 6 were given an excursion to one of the sacred and architectural monuments in the center of Taraz-the mausoleums of Karakhan and Dautbek. In addition, in the additional khujra rooms of the mausoleum, students watched an exposition of artifacts found in the ancient settlement of Taraz during excavations. In particular: pottery, Pots, Pots, Mercury-eyes, candlesticks, water pipes, green, white, brown plates made during the Karakhanid state.
Then a tour of the history of the settlement was made, which was introduced to the site of the medieval city, which was discovered during excavations in the open-air Archaeological Park "ancient Taraz", which was a place of spiritual values. Students were asked quiz questions and presented gifts.
During the circle, students got acquainted with our historical and cultural heritage, the architectural structure of the ancient city, the history of the city of Taraz, which was a great center of spirituality, has more than two thousand years of history, and is one of the largest cultural centers. The main goal of the educational program is to teach students to appreciate and respect the past, cultural values of the country, improving their knowledge.