The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Month of August (2024)

The Republican State Institution «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» in accordance with Resolution No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 24, 2015 was reorganized into the Republican State Treasury Enterprise «State Historical and Cultural Museum- Reserve «Monuments of аncient Taraz» of the Ministry culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

          The activities of the enterprise are financed in accordance with the development plan at the expense of budget funds (90% of funds from the republican budget are subsidized) and own income (10%), received in the manner determined by the budgetary legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

           In order to ensure transparency of financial activities, the administration of the museum-reserve publishes monthly data on the receipt and expenditure of funds received from charitable contributions:

          In August 2024, 441541tenge was received to the charitable and sponsorship account of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz Eskertkishteri". Of this amount, it is directed to:

                                       banking activities – 1517,60 tenge,

                                       state bazh – 1846 tenge      

                                       chores – 888544 tenge.

             The total amount of expenses in August amounted was 891907,60 tenge. The remaining funds 450366,60 tenge will be used for the planned work of the museum-reserve for the next month.