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«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Mysterious palace complex Akyrtas.

“Where Tortkul Toymakent * is now located (modern address - Zhambyl region, Baizak district, Tuymekent village, Tuymekent settlement), a Kalmyk Kokchakhan, a very famous warrior, once lived. He had a daughter named Toyma - Sulu. At that time, Kokchakan had a worker named Alangasar Alyp, who was a great strongman. As a worker, he was a useful person for Kokchakhan. After several years of service with Kokchakhan, Alangasar-Alp fell in love with the daughter of Khan Toyma-sulu and turned to her father with a request to marry his daughter to him. Kokchakhan promised the worker to marry him to Toyma-sulu, but this promise was not sincere. Alangasar-Alyp, hoping that he would marry Toima-sulu, continued to serve Kokchakhan with full zeal; but after serving for several years, he was convinced that Kokchakhan was deceiving him and would never give his daughter Toima-sulu to him. With this conviction, Alangasar-Alp took his son Arslang-Alyp with him and left Kokchakhan. Having reached the area of ​​Tas-Akyra, he chose a place to erect a stone building and said to his son Arslang-Alyp: “Here we will build a dwelling of stone. You will throw stones at me from the mountains. Before reaching Sulu-Tory there is a place called Kyzyl-Kainar; from its upper reaches you will throw stones at me, and I will build a stone mound out of them here. But just don't look anywhere, especially don't look to p. Talas. After that, we will dam up the water of Talas and, having transferred it through Dzhurgabil, will leave Kokchakhan without water. Then the deceiver, willy-nilly, will submit to us and give his daughter to me. " So father and son decided the matter.

Having thus warned his son, Arslang-Alyp, Alangasar again said: “Go to your place of work in the mountains. Before reaching Sulu-Tory, there is the Kyzyl-Kainar area, from where you will throw stones down; but do not look around, especially to Talas ”. Arslang-Alyp went to the mountains, to the indicated place and began to work - to throw stones, and his father Alangasar-Alyp took stones thrown by his son, put them in place and thus built Tas-Akyr.

When the structure of Tas-Akyr was drawing to a close. Kokchakhan was given to know that Alangasar-Alp was finishing the construction of Tas-Akyr and that he was damaging the waters of the Talas River. Hearing about this, the daughter of Kokchakhan Toima-Sulu left the kurgancha into the steppe and, stroking the smoothly combed hair on her head, looked towards Tas-Akyr. At this time, Arslang-Alyp, throwing stones from the mountains, thought to himself why his father forbade him to look around during work, especially at the lower reaches of the Talas, and his gaze fell on a beauty standing near Toimakent, so beautiful that it is difficult to describe her beauty ... Seeing such a beauty, Arslang-Alp fell in love with her so much that his muscles weakened and the stones thrown did not reach his father. Noticing this, Alangasar-Alyp became angry with his son and, descending into the mountains, shouted out of anger: “What happened to you? Why don't you throw stones at me? " The son confessed to his father that he looked towards Talas and saw there such a beautiful girl that the brilliance of her beauty reached the sky. Excited by her beauty, he could no longer throw stones. " Alangasar-Alyp became very angry and again asked his son: “Why did you not obey his orders? I ordered you to throw stones without looking back anywhere, especially to the Talas River? But you did not listen to me ... ". With these words, Alangasar-Alyp rushed at his son to knock him down and kill him. But the son, seeing his father's threats, rushed to run, heading for Chimkent, and when he was tired, he stopped to rest and immediately remembered Toima-sulu and involuntarily wept. Thinking it over, he swung the ketman and dug into the ground. From this blow by the ketmen on the ground, a large hill grew. He climbed this hill and, looking towards Aulie-Ata, wept bitterly about Toima-sulu. Tears flowed from him in abundance, as from a decent source, and traces of Arslang-Alyp's tears are still visible on the hill. This hill is located in the Chimkent district, in the lower reaches of the Arys River, in the Oyganak area, and is called Igilgan-tyube. From here Arslang-Alp went on and stopped in a city located on the banks of the greater Nile River. Arslang-Alp lived here for some time and fell ill. Arslang-Alp was terribly stubborn. Everything he was told, he did the opposite. Arslang-Alp did not get rid of his illness, but on the contrary, the illness intensified every day and brought Arslang Alp to the point that he walked like a drunk. One day he stood between the river and the city. When the inhabitants of the city saw him and judging that he was preparing to fall and crush several houses, they gathered for a general council. Knowing Arslang's stupid stubbornness, they began to say to each other: "Arslang will fall on the city, not into the river." The hero, hearing these words, said: "To be in my opinion, and not in yours!" and fell into the river ...

And now the thigh bone of Arslang-Alyp lies across the river. Caravans, vehicles move through the hole of this bone, oiled to prevent damage.

Traces of the work of Alangasar-Alyp and his son Arslang-Alyp on the recess of the Talas water with the aim of not letting water into the possession of Kokchakhan and leaving it without water are visible in the mountains that are now called Kerege-tas, starting from Kara-Archi to Sugata. Traces of an unfinished stone building, which Alangasar and his son began and which is known under the name "Akyr-Tasha", are also visible.