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Masolei Shokay Datka XVIII century

The Shokai Datka Mausoleum is located in the Sarysu district on the eastern outskirts of the village of Saudakent, in the old cemetery - the former necropolis of the medieval city of Saudakent. The mausoleum is a characteristic type of monumental religious buildings that has developed in the Shu-Talas region.

The mausoleum was examined in 1946 by G.I. Patsevich, in 1970-1980 - specialists of the expedition of the Ministry of Culture of the Kazakh SSR and Kazproektrestavatsiya. In 2000, it was examined by the expedition of the Code of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2014 by the Archaeological Expedition.

The life and work of the Shokai Datka were studied and published only after Kazakhstan gained independence. Shokai Datka Karabekuly is a famous historical figure. He was widely known for his honesty, resourcefulness, from the earliest years he was engaged in resolving disputes not only of his own, but also of neighboring tribes and clans. As a young man, Shokai became influential and famous in the Karatau region, noting that the Kokand rulers gave him the title - “Datka”. Serving at the Kokand Khanate, Shokai fought for the independence of the Kazakh people, their prosperity and devoted his whole life to this. Through his activities, he contributed to economic and military unity with the Russian people, integration with Russia. This is evidenced by a letter from Colonel M.G. Chernyaev to his leadership, in which he notes the great influence of the Shokai Datka on the Kokand Khanate and its outstanding reputation among the Kazakhs. The Kokand Khan did not forgive Sh.Datka’s agreement with the Russians. According to some sources, Shokai Datka was poisoned.

In 1990, restoration work was carried out in the mausoleum. Exterior wall masonry collapsed in places, the lost completion of the parapet were restored. A large single-chamber portal-domed volume composed of burnt bricks, oriented south-west by an entrance. The main facade is highlighted by a high portal with a shallow lancet niche framed by a rectangular frame and flanked by corner towers. In the wall of the niche there is a high doorway with a beam jumper, in the upper part under the arch there is a small window. The dome of the mausoleum is raised on a round drum and outside is accentuated by a stalactite cornice with preserved glazed elements of blue, white and red glaze.

Recent restoration work was carried out in 2017. Restoration work was carried out by specialists of the Republican State Enterprise «Kazrestavratsiya».