The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

Home / Historical and cultural heritage / Historical monument / Architectural monument / Babadja-khatun


Its neighbouring mausoleum is that of Babadja-khatun (11th century). It is simple in structure and composition, constructed from baked bricks. No decoration is featured on the walls, though architectural details are accentuated in places in an uncomplicated manner. A cone-shaped dome with sixteen facets, set on a prism-shaped base, lends harmony and symmetry to the mausoleum. Its main facade bears the remainder of an Arabic-lettered inscription: ‘This grand tomb is named Babadja-khatun. Its builder was...’ The name of its builder has, unfortunately, been lost. The mausoleum was built on the grave of Babadja-khatun, who, according to legend, was Aisha’s loyal nurse and guarded the place of her burial to the end of her life.