The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Museum lesson

Employees of the State historical and cultural museum-reserve "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri"  held a thematic museum lesson "Kieli Aulieata zherinin anyzdary" in the Center of spiritual and moral education "Anaga tagzym".

The young pupils of the Center were presented with unique women's jewelry dating from the III- II centuries, discovered during archaeological research of the barrows of the Berikkara burial ground. There were also magnificent items made of bronze, glass and ceramics - a collection of beads, belt linings and handicraft household tools that were used in everyday life by residents of medieval Taraz.

During the thematic lesson, the staff of the museum-reserve told the children a poetic legend about the beautiful Aisha Bibi, which has come down to us from the depths of centuries. Thus, this museum activity had the goal of explaining to the younger generation that it is very important to honor national traditions and customs, adopt the best forms of education from their ancestors, preserve the historical heritage of their native land. A kazakh folk proverb says: "Bring up a son and bring up a man; bring up a daughter and bring up a whole nation.". Therefore, it is no coincidence that since ancient times Kazakhs have attached great importance to the upbringing of girls. It was considered an indisputable truth that girls are the flowers of life, future mothers, keepers of the hearth, happiness and well-being, on which the upbringing and future of the people depend!

It should be noted that the museum-reserve published a collection of legends "Kieli Aulieata zherinin anyzdary" dedicated to the Year of the Child in Kazakhstan.

In turn, the head of the Center, Elmira Myrzagali, thanked the staff of the museum-reserve for the informative lesson and expressed hope for further cooperation in order to educate the younger generation.