The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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Visit to "Anaga tagzym"

Today, the staff of the Republican historical and cultural reserve-museum "Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri" visited the newly opened center "Anaga tagzym". On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and sports, the director of the museum-reserve N.D. Bykybaev. He presented the head of the center E.Myrza-Gali with a congratulatory letter on the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan, and musical instruments to the young pupils of the circle playing the dombra "Kazyna".A pleasant addition to the visit was the archaeological exhibition of the museum-reserve "Taraz Zhauharlary", which presented rarities from the museum's funds-women's jewelry dating from the II-III thousand  and bronze and ceramic products of the distant middle ages. All of them were found during the archaeological excavations of the ancient settlement of Taraz.

In turn, teachers and pupils of the center performed a musical number and heartfelt poems of Kazakh poets, and the management of the center thanked for the attention shown and expressed hope for further cultural cooperation in order to foster creative potential among young people.