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"Historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan: issues of study, interpretation and preservation"

Today, the museum staff, headed by the director of the historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" Bykybaev Nurlan Duysenalievich, took part in the international scientific and practical conference "Historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan: issues of study, interpretation and preservation" within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the visit center of the State historical, cultural and natural reserve–museum "Tamgaly". The conference was attended by well-known archaeologists from Azerbaijan, Turkey and Kazakhstan, who shared their valuable opinions on the topic of preservation and conservation of rock art.

Honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the national independent award "Platinum Tarlan", corresponding member of the German Institute of Archaeology Z. Samashev, doctor of historical sciences, professor, famous archaeologist Zh. Timaganbetov, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, restorer, head of the research laboratory "Island-Crimea" K. Altynbekov, associate professor of the Department of Archeology Atakan Akchay and associate professor of the Department of turkic folklore Evrim Olcher of the Kazhy Bayram Veli University in Ankara, Director of the Gobustan State Historical and Art Reserve-Museum Vugar Isayev, dean of the faculty of history, archeology and ethnology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor M. Nogaibayeva and doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Faculty of history, archeology and ethnology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University M. Eleuov . In addition, the researcher of the historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" Shaizkhan Ulzhalgas Shaizkhanovna made a report "Tarazdyn tasyndagy - tarikh". In the report, referring to the features of petroglyphs on the sacred land of Taraz, it was possible to show their unique place in historical terms. The continuation of the conference was an introduction to the exhibition at the Tamgaly Visitor Center. The young specialists of the museum who took part in the event met and exchanged experiences with famous historians and archaeologists.