The State historical and cultural museum-reserve

«Yezhelgi Taraz eskertkishteri»

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"Legends of the Great Steppe"

For pupils of the secondary school "Aisha Bibi" of the Zhambyl district, the staff of the historical and cultural reserve-museum "Monuments of ancient Taraz" held a museum lesson on "Legends of the Great Steppe", during which the children were given information about the historical and cultural heritage of our region. They heard about the history of the construction of the medieval mausoleums «Aisha - bibi» and «Karakhan» by ancient masters, which is covered with folk tales and legends.The excursion aroused great interest among schoolchildren, they listened with admiration to an interesting and informative lecture about the history of ancient Taraz.During the museum lesson, they tried to gain knowledge about the history of their native land through folk tales and legends. The museum staff urged the children to love their region,learn about its rich past and be patriots of their country.